Wednesday, 4 August 2010

You must have been there...

Been working on the MV 175 which is one of the mag's 'project' bikes - read 'long-term project' bikes. A friend said to me a few months ago, 'haven't you taken on a bit much??' Yes, and no. Having no time or much money doesn't help but it's great to grab a spare hour here and there and make slow progress. But where to start, especially on a bike I don't want to restore??

If you've worked on old bikes you'll know how it feels...


  1. Start by making it run and rid-able. Don't consider anything cosmetic till after that.

  2. That's the idea but being held up by having mislaid the kickstart lever in a box somewhere, and the wiring loom being a mess. I'll need to get the wiring sorted first to get a spark and then go from there..

  3. Ah yes, same here. Wiring is probably the most frustrating job with motorcycles old and new. I'd rip it all out and design my own loom. At least, it's what I'm going to do with mine. Then you always know where to find problems if they occur and you can be sure it's properly done.
