Friday, 6 August 2010

Any guesses??

I recently spent 30 of some of the most exciting, visceral and noisy minutes of my life in this 
motor car - Italian, naturally.

Anyone know what it might be?


  1. Siata 300BC? or some Ferrari Barchetta?

  2. Ok Anonymous, seeing as you're the only one who commented, you win with the pretty good guess of Ferrari barchetta- it was in fact a '57 Ferrari 250 pontoon fender Testa Rossa. Well done! I'll post some more pics of this beautiful car in the next day or so....

  3. Well done that man...i hadn't a clue..!!!

  4. Nor did I until I rode in it, after all it's not every day any of us gets to ride in a car worth a miilion quid or so..

  5. thats a very learned answer from that man mr anon...
