Friday, 1 November 2013

Officina Moto Italia

With the big bike fest that is EICMA about to begin, Italian manufacturers and PR companies have gone into overdrive with information overload about what's going on, who's doing what, and what you will find where. One press release stood out and that talks of the setting up of a loose conglomeration of independent motorcycle manufacturers that are based in Italy, and it calls itself 'Officina Moto Italiana'.
Small manufacturers are nothing new in Italy - if you look down a list of small workshops putting together motorcycles in the first two decades of the 20th century, you would find hundreds of names, now mostly now all gone.

So, best of luck to (left to right),  Sarti (CR&S Motorcycles), Giovanni Magni (Magni), Pattoni (Paton) and Chiaia (Zaeta), who probably very wisely see strength in numbers, so may their independence flourish!

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