Friday, 8 February 2013

900SS Capolavoro Assoluto for Mondo Ducati

It's still exciting after all these years to see my work in print, and this month one of my articles has been published by our friends on the Italian magazine Mondo Ducati, for whom I've been supplying various pieces of work and translation for a while now to pay the bills (what, you think home-publishing a magazine makes money??). The 900SS was an unrestored original, and one motorcycle I would have loved to own, if I had serious cash.

They've put together a really nice clean layout, and used the excellent photos (taken one cold February) by ace snapper Matt C. We'll put the article in ITALIAN MOTOR in a future issue.

If you like Ducatis, try and get a copy of Mondo Ducati which features, as the title suggests, only Ducatis. And you can practice your Italian too...