Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Spring has sprung

I love this time of the year - thoughts of riding bikes, things to do, sunshine (hopefully) to come, and fresh produce coming back into season. I know winter's truly on its way out when the mint and parsley in my garden start shooting up again rapidly, and with all the rain we've had the last week, it's in abundance. I love food as much as I love motorcycles, and I enjoy cooking, and as my wife is an Italian signorina from Tuscany, she expects a certain standard of cuisine from her husband. Though I can't rustle up grilled wild boar, I don't do too badly.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of devouring English new potatoes with freshly chopped mint, parsley, freshly ground sea salt and black pepper, a knob of butter, a drizzle of olive oil (extra virgin, of course..), and cod fillets baked gently with a splash of white white, and fresh green beans.

Mmm, che buono....


  1. Can't believe a Tuscan allowed you to cook potatoes without peeling skin off eh eh

    Nice one tho

  2. Ha ha, you're right, I must have educated her well...

    I also like to eat my (English) apples with the peel on, whereas she'll remove it with deft precision. You should see the battles we have over what our daughter eats!!
