Sunday, 11 March 2012

Side covers reunited

I'd had an MV Pullman 125  side cover in one of my boxes for the last ten years at least, and had never had anywhere for it to go. I came across it while moving all my junk the other day (more on that soon..) and when I asked good mate and MV guru Dorian which model MV it was probably off, he told me, and strangely, had the very same Pullman motor BUT missing the same cover. It's now his, and on his motor as the photo shows, as reward for some back-breaking help he kindly gave me the other day. Thanks again man!!

Who's to say that very motor and its personal side cover as fitted by Luigi back in Cascina Costa in the 1950s haven't now been reunited?? I love a nice end to a story.

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