Wednesday, 8 February 2012

New Guzzi V7 press launch, end of March - ITALIAN MOTOR will be there

We've been told by our man in Mandello that the world press launch for the new, uprated Moto Guzzi V7 will be towards the end of March, so ITALIAN MOTOR will be there to give the bike a good thrashing. It'll be interesting to see how the new V7, with single injector body, higher compression, more torque and supposedly more power will compare with the current V7, which we also tested. Anyway, a trip to Mandello is always enjoyable too.

We'll be writing up ort findings here on the blog as soon as we return, along with our own exclusive photos from the launch, and will follow up with a full feature in the mag. Can't wait!!

Talking about launches (after all the season starts in March), the press launch for the new Ducati Panigale is in a couple of weeks. Sadly, being a garage band outfit, rather than a Premiership rag, monthly, weekly or trendy lifestyle magazine, we'll not be rubbing shoulders, or fairings, with the influential inner sanctum of motorcycling journos, but hope to bring you a report one way or the other. Can't win 'em all...


  1. Look forward to your review of the new V7. I like the idea of it, and went to check it out a while ago but was disappointed with it's combo of relatively high weight, lower end features and low power. If they can boost the power and quality of the suspension components while keeping the weight at least the same it could be cool!
    But no loss on missing the latest "Just Another Ducati", they get enough coverage in the regular press (except sorry you personally are missing the travel and benefits!)
    One of the best part of your blog is the fact you skip all usual Ducati coverage!

  2. Carl. you're right, the Panigale is significant as it is so powerful, but it is to me too just another Ducati which I have little interest in.
