Friday, 11 November 2011

Bye Bye Berlusconi

My father-in-law in Italy sent me this cartoon. It shows the relief over there that Berlusconi is finally letting hold of power after so many years. The phrase reads "it doesn't matter how he long as he falls.", followed by the different ways it's possible to go. It's the end of an era and incredible that it's the economy rather than his dodgy dealings with the Mafia or Moroccan prostitutes that has precipitated his final downfall. I'll miss those great shots of him leering at various female world leaders


  1. He put the image of Italy and Italians back about five decades.

  2. hahahahah... bellissima

  3. I hope this is not wishful thinking. The guy might yet be back...

  4. You're right Lou. He can never be counted out. After all he is the wealthiest man in Italy..
