Monday, 31 October 2011

Issue Four on its way to subscribers

If you're a subscriber, the mag's on its way to you, so you'll be getting it first. If you're in the US, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the rest of those faraway countries, it'll be with you in a week to ten days, if not less. Europe hopefully three days or so, UK, should have been there today. Sneak preview above.


  1. When can we buy a single issue?

  2. Tim - website updated today. You can buy single copies here:

  3. Very exciting, Adam, can't wait to see it.

  4. Issue 4 - 10 out of 10 and a gold star! (And no, not that DBD34 sort!)

  5. Just got it yesterday (Nov 4) in California!

  6. Wow Carl, that was pretty quick to the West Coast. Hope you liked it..

  7. Great mag thaks!

    Can we have more stuff on small bikes please? The Italians made some really pretty little bikes in the 50/60's.

  8. Not sure which issue you've read Major, but we've more or less championed small bikes form the start - check Ron's Maserati 'Rospo' T2SS and a Ducati 48 Sportiva Special in Isue 1, the mad Fantic Chopper 50cc, MV 125/150 and Benelli 180cc Volcano in Issue 2 and Benelli Cobra in Issue 4. We've got pletny of small stuff to feature in the future, including a Mondial 50 and MV scooters..

  9. Pleased it's got to Ox, took a while though. Yes, I like Shed Some Light too though I think my photo archive of stuff in sheds may soon be exhausted....

  10. Continuing to enjoy your mag. Will you be contacting subscribers to remind them to sign up for issues 5-8? I would hate to miss out. Better yet, offer a 2 year sub! cool. phil in Oz.
