Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Ciao SuperSic

This is a brief snapshot of Coriano, the small Italian community in mourning for Marco Simoncelli who grew up there and gives a sense of the shock the place must be feeling. He probably hung out with the other kids on mopeds outside the bar in the town square when he was younger. It reminds me of the place I used to live in Italy. His death in such a brutal manner makes me realise that with all the glamour, sponsorship, logos, branding, dolly brollies, money and fame, MotoGP, or any motor racing particularly in the public eye can sometimes seem over-sanitised or bland - take Formula 1 as a good example - it takes a split second and just a bare minimum 1% of bad luck, and it can all mean nothing. My good friend Gyles died after a freak accident on his bike on a race track, and Simoncelli's death brings back images of grieving family and sadness.

But racers would never not want to race. Fact.

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