My father-in-law Alfonso was at Reggio Emila mostra scambio (autojumble/swap meet) yesterday, and sent me some photos. I first went to Reggio Emila 20 years ago on my Guzzi S3 while I was living in Italy, and it was, in those days, smallish, friendly and lots of stuff to see. Now it's bigger, still lots of stuff to see, but all of it expensive, but it still retains the best atmosphere for any Italian mostra scambio, and I miss being able to go there for the day - and wander about rummaging through boxes of oily stuff and eating gnocco fritto - terribly.
Thanks Alfonso!!
Sitting in Minneapolis, MN USA watching the snow melt. Your post and photos from Italy are inspiring. spent the weekend getting Guzzi's ready for the riding season here. There is a Parilla Gran Sport in the living room that is waiting for love, too. Would of loved to been in italy getting my hands dirty at the swap meeet.