Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Wet Wet Wet

I should have realised that the fact that the local radio station on the small island just off the Spanish coast we were 'holidaying' on kept playing that annoying "I feel it in my fingers" song by drab Scots popsters Wet Wet Wet held some more sinister significance when after two days the sun turned to cloud, and a few days after that, the cloud gave over to torrential rain. So on my return from a frankly mostly miserable and wet 12 days on Menorca to frankly an even more wet and miserable Great Britain, we're feeling all rained out.

No worries - I'll look at shots of bikes glinting in the sun or photos of summers past and look forward to next year, or maybe a miraculous Indian summer if we get one over here (is it too late for that??).

Apologies for any delayed or cocked-up mag deliveries but normal service will be resumed asap. More nicely shot pics of Vespas in the rain here


  1. This vespa is mine. thank for the post. I realy love that pic.

  2. That's a lovely Vespa, nice photos, and nice rain too..
